Empowering Humanity

In modern human history, industrial revolutions brought drastic shift in the socio-economic status of people driven by technological innovations. From 1760 till date, we saw three major industrial revolutions, the fourth is currently underway and we are now at the cusp of the fifth industrial revolution.
​The First Industrial Revolution happened between 1760-1840 with the advent of the steam locomotive, mechanized textile manufacturing etc.
​The Second Industrial Revolution took place between the end of the 19th century and early 20th century was possible by rapid industrialization, mechanization, and the invention of the assembly lines.
​The Third Industrial Revolution is what started off with the entry of electronics and computers in the early 80’s to the internet in the 90’s.
​The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the revolution of the current era, which is happening with the fusion of physical, digital and biological paradigms, impacting numerous disciplines and industries, and economies.
The Fifth Industrial Revolution is so new that experts across the world are scrambling to define exactly what it will be: Futurist George Muir argues it will be the AI revolution (though this is pretty much what Industry 4.0 is) MEP Eva Kaili thinks that it’s all to do with the potential of quantum computing (still 4.0) Genpact believes that it’s the moment when humans and machines combine in the workplace
​As with any revolution, society and citizens of that era are the beneficiaries and the ones that are affected. The fourth industrial revolution is currently underway and is special for our generation, as it is changing the societal fabric of our times. With the rise of the Fifth Industrial Revolution, in contrast to trends in the Fourth Revolution toward dehumanization, technology and innovation best practices are being bent back toward the service of humanity by the champions of the Fifth.
​The Frontier Medicine Institute (TFMI) is an initiative to educate and promote changes brought about by The Industrial Revolution(s) particularly in the area of Healthcare and Education, and to proactively build bridges across all platforms in society.