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Gadget Addiction : Negative Impacts to health

Updated: Mar 10, 2018

Tjiang W, Ooi SL Amy, See KS Kris, Osel Clinic, Osel Diagnostics

Gadgets have become an inseparable part of our lives today, especially for children. Children spend a majority of their time on gadgets like their smartphone, ipad, computer, laptop, etc. This is affecting their lives to a huge extent. As a parent, you must look out for signs of technology addiction in your child.

Child gadget addiction is something that is becoming worse as the years go by. Children no longer want to go out and play or interact with others because they are always glued to their gadgets such as phones, tablets, and games.

In most cases, kids only do what adults do as they are surrounded by adults. Swiping phones during meal times, tapping away while walking and even mumbling into their headphones when driving, these are habits that children easily and quickly pick up something that may end up being detrimental to their health.

Your child could be a gadget-addict

Have you observed how much time does your son/ daughter spends in front of the computer or playing with smartphone/tablet?

Have you ever tried to check what keeps him so busy is it only the games or movies or is it something that he is not supposed to see?

When did you last see your child going out playing with friends?

When did your child last attend together with family?

Did you always find him sitting at the corner playing games?

Have you noticed any physical or mental health changes?

Try to find out, your son might be already addicted to gadgets.

Impact to health

Increased usage of gadgets has its consequences on both physical and psychological/mental health.

· Eye problems Playing with your smartphone/ipad/computer for hours is unhealthy, especially bedtime, when bright screen was spotted very near to your eyes, may cause eye strain, irritation, redness, double vision and short-sightedness.

· Sleep problem Disturb the normal sleep paterns, insomnia, feeling tired, leading to poor concentration, bad memory and reduced academic performance.

· Obesity Too much gadget time means less of physical exercise leading to overweight and obesity with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, sleeping problem, and osteoarthritis.

· Behaviour changes Easily irritated, mood swinging, lying, aggressiveness, laziness.

· Conflicts with siblings and friends. The indulgence in violent games may create more violence in their mind. And they do not liked to be interrupted, which can lead to conflict.

· Muscle and joint pain. They bend their head while looking into phones or tablets for hours which puts excess pressure on the neck, head and shoulder. This causes several back and neck issues including spondylitis and back pain.

· Car accidents Mobile phone use has become an increasing cause for car accidents all over the world. Research reveals that texting and driving can be as dangerous as drinking and driving.

· Social Isolation Children are finding it more fun to play on their mobiles than with real friends. This leads to social isolation – the child becomes a loner, an introvert who does not like to make friends or socialise with people. Social isolation can cause anxiety, depression, distrust in others.

What should you do?

Scold him or her on using the gadgets? Can you stop him using the computer or laptop?

Should you see a counselor?

Tips to keep you, and your children to stay away from gadget addiction

1. Do not give mobile phones and gadgets to children at a very early age.

2. Avoid giving the smart-phones with too many features. If phone is a necessity it must be just because of the calling options, so for communication purpose only, buy a simple handset instead of a smart phone with varied features.

3. Deactivate the mobile internet data feature on your phone or tablet, can help detach from ongoing messages and mails.

  • When children have nothing to do or play with, they crave for gadgets. Sometimes parents also use gadgets to pacify their children. This is not right. Find for other mode of playing.

  • Try to avoid using gadgets in front of your children

· Take professional help if gadget addiction gets out of control.

  • Spend times with your children Spending time for interesting conversations, discuss books, current affairs technology that interests them, be a listener. Engaging in any other activity of interest like sports, travel or social work, or spending time with family on weekends can be good distractions.


1. Berman N. “Dear Parents: Child Gadget Addiction is Only Getting Worse.” MoneyInc. 2018

2. Ghosh A. “Gadget Addiction Problems in Teens.” Indian Youth.

3. Kaur D. “Gadget Addiction.” Continental Hospitals. 2016

4. The Economic Times.” Five ways to reduce gadget addiction.” 2014

5. World of Moms.”Gadget addiction in Teens.” 2015

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Dr. Will Wilhan Tjiang
Dr. Will Wilhan Tjiang
Apr 06, 2018

Are you gadget addicted ?

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