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Photobiomodulation: Red Light Spectrum

Tjiang W, See KS Kris, Osel Diagnostics, Osel Group

Therapeutic Red-Light

Abstract: Red light therapy, also known as photobiomodulation (PBM) is a natural, non-evasive technique that has the ability to promote the body’s own immune responses. It is a safe and effective procedure that uses red light-emitting diodes (LED’s) which diffuse wavelengths through a person’s skin. Commonly referred to as low level laser therapy (LLLT), biostimulation (BIOS) or photonic stimulation, red light therapy has shown significant potential in improving our overall health and well-being in a number of ways. Red light therapy uses certain wavelengths of light to restore, repair, and protect tissue that is either injured, degenerating, or at risk of dying. Many think of light therapy as dangerous, as they assume that any light therapy contains ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet wavelengths are in the 400-nm range, whereas red light therapy is in the 600-nm range and infrared light runs in the 800-nm range.

Mechanism of Action

These specific wavelengths of red light create a biochemical affect in our cells that serves to increase mitochondrial function which improves ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production in the body. ATP is the source of energy for every cell in the body. Without it, we don’t function at all. Without enough of it, we don’t function well.

While most other wavelengths of light (such as UV, blue, green, and yellow light, etc.) are mostly unable to penetrate into the body and stay in the layers of the skin, near-infrared light and red light are able to reach deep into the human body (several centimeters, and close to 2 inches, in some cases) and are able to penetrate into the cells, tissues, blood, nerves, the brain, and into the bones.

Research and clinical studies over the past decade indicate strong evidence that the mechanisms of red light therapy have enormous healing capabilities that positively affect both the immune and endocrine systems : reducing inflammation, edema and chronic joint disorders; promoting healing of wounds, deeper tissues and nerves: and as a treatment for neurological disorders and pain.


1. Healing wounds, repairing tissue and reducing pain

2. Anti-aging effects and hair loss

3. Improve joint and muscle health

4. Reduces some of the side effects of cancer treatments, including oral mucositis

5. Improves skin complexion and builds collagento diminish wrinkles

6. Reduce color patches, hyperpigmentation, and skin discoloration

7. Increase neurocognitive function, may significantly slow the progression of Alzheimer’s and

Parkinson’s disease

8. Helps Depression and Fatigue


Red light therapy can be administered using any red light source including incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, LED, or low level laser. As with any treatment that is administered on an on-going basis, patients who undergo red light therapy should continue sessions for at least one to three months before the effects are visibly noticeable. Light therapy is best used frequently and on a regular basis to continually stimulate cellular metabolism. As we age, circulation to our cells becomes less efficient, causing skin, muscles, ligaments, and tendons to become dehydrated, malnourished, and toxic. Anything that ages, all the cells in our bodies, requires maintenance.

If you want an effective light therapy session, you must have an effective dose. That requires:

  • A light that is relatively powerful (i.e. has an ideal “power density”)

  • Ideally, a light that can treat a large area of the body at once

  • An understanding of the optimal duration of time using the light to get the right total dose

Most studies showing benefits of light outputs of 20-200mW/cm2. Overall, the device needs to emit light above a certain power density, needs to be at the right wavelengths and at the proper distance from your body, and needs to be large enough to emit light over a large portion of your body.

Dose = Power Density (mW/cm2) x Time (in seconds) x 0.001 = J/cm2

The dose you want to shoot for is between 3J/cm2– 50J/cm2.

Here are some calculations to show you how this works:

  • 25mW/cm² applied for 40 seconds gives 1J/cm²

  • 50mW/cm² applied for 20 seconds gives 1J/cm²


On average, pain relief can be achieved in 1 session; however, results do not last unless treatments occur weekly for 9-12 weeks, or twice weekly for 4-6 weeks. Generally, improvements in skin tone and reduction of wrinkles and fine lines can be seen after 12 treatments, 48-72 hours apart, at 15-30 minutes per session. Red light therapy, in wavelengths of 630-670 nm, has been found to be ideal for skin rejuvenation. For most purposes, a large mixed LED panel with a mix of 660nm and 850nm is the best choice, has been found to be the most effective for wound healing, general health and post-workout recovery.


Cobb C. Red Light Therapy Benefits. Healthline. May 2018.

Hand J. Health Benefits of Red Light Therapy and How to Get It. Bulletproof. February 2018.

Krause J. Red Light Therapy: How It Can Benefit Your Anti-Aging Regimen. Naturopathic Doctor News and Review. May 2018.

Redlight Clinic. Red Light Therapy: The Definitive Guide. 2017.

The Energy Blueprint. The Ultimate Guide To Red Light Therapy And Near-Infrared Light Therapy. July 2018.

Wells K. The Benefits of Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation). Wellness Mama. August 2018.

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